06 Dec Travel Tip Tuesday – Holiday Road Trips
Holiday Tips for Road Warriors!
Before you head out on the road, here are things expert road warriors say you can do to make your trip safe and memorable.
Map It Out
Make sure to check the weather along your route as well as what times you’ll be traveling through each area and plan accordingly. Traveling on Christmas Day and New Year’s day usually has less traffic. Before embarking, make your travel plans known to lots of people.
Pack for Safety
Around the holidays, you have to be prepared for just about anything, so keep a cache of emergency supplies in your vehicle. Include these items: blanket, jumper cables, flashlight, candle and matches, bandana, paper towels, first aid kit, batteries, water and a good adventure novel.
Reserve Hotel Rooms Ahead of Time
If you’re on the road for more than a couple days this holiday, it’s likely that many other families are too, so get your hotels lined up ahead of time and have the reservation information with you. In case you’re delayed or need to make a change in plans, you’ll have the contact information and confirmation codes to be able to do that efficiently.
Save Your Car and Money by Renting
If you’re traveling a long way, perhaps in weather conditions that you are not accustomed to, you’ll save yourself a lot of worry by renting a car. Your family car may not have a lot of bells and whistles like built-in entertainment for the kids, etc., but renting a vehicle can change that. Plus, many of the newer vehicles get great gas-mileage, which will also helps you save cash.
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