Wavebreak - Surge365 | Winter Regional Kicks Off Tonight!

Winter Regional Kicks Off Tonight!

Power-Packed Opportunity Meeting Open to Everyone!
Friday Marketing Director Meeting Clarification
Join In The Conversation with #S365Breakthrough2017

Welcome to Breakthrough 2017!

Registration Opens Today at 2:00 PM
Registration opens today at 2:00 P.M. just outside Bolden 1! So stop on by, say hey, and pick up your registration pack. You’ll need this in order to gain access to your special meeting tomorrow with your upline Marketing Director and Coach, Scott, and Chris.

Please Note for Marketing Director Meeting: You are to attend only the Director meeting of your upline Director. If you’re not sure who that is, click on Marketing Director at the top of your Back Office home page, then check your Director’s location and time on the Friday schedule below. Don’t miss it!

Powerful Opportunity Meeting Tonight Open to Everyone
The Winter Regional kicks off tonight with an Opportunity meeting hosted by your Surge365 Marketing Directors! Details for the event are in the flyer below. We hope to see you and your guests here for this meeting. Keep in mind that you don’t have to be registered for the Winter Regional in order to attend this event. The events on Friday and Saturday do require a paid registration in order to attend.

If you are near the New Orleans area then don’t miss out on your chance for your prospects to hear from the leaders in Surge365!

Join in on the conversation while you’re at the event! When posting during the event be sure to use #S365Breakthrough2017!

We’re opening up registration today
outside Bolden 1 from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

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