Wavebreak - Surge365 | Surge365 Business Associate Update

Surge365 Business Associate Update


Dear Valued SBA,

What an amazing decision to become the CEO of your own organization! You are among the elite 10%* who have launched their own business. We are cheering you and your business on to great success this year and in the years to come!

As we continue to strive to give you improved business management tools, beginning July 1, 2016,** the service charge for being an SBA will change from $39/year to $10/month and will include the Surge365 Mobile App… share the latest presentation, enroll a prospect, initiate a 3-way call with your upline, check your calendar, show video presentations, log in to your Back Office, and so much more! This exceptional app has the power to transform your business on the go, wherever you go!

We are here to support you and help your business achieve the success you desire!

* http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/apr/13/rick-santorum/90-american-workers-dont-own-their-own-business-ri/

** Anyone billed $39/year prior to July 1, 2016 will not be billed the $10/month for the SBA service fee until their next annual billing date. For example: if you were billed the $39 SBA fee on June 15, 2016, you will not be billed the $10/month SBA fee until June 15, 2017.

Please Note: For anyone billed prior to July 1, 2016, access to the Mobile App requires an additional $10/month fee.

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